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Working Hours (Tuesday holiday)

Mon, Wed-Sun 9AM - 8PM

Life these days is 24/7, with everybody giving better than their best to come out top in this rat race called life. Amidst all these, we tend to neglect our health. The effect of our day to day struggle takes a toll on our body. And so, at Siddhanta Ayurveda, we have customised rejuvenative programmes, that take care of the physically and mentally stressed individuals. There are also specific programmes that pamper your skin and make you feel alive again, for those of you who are out in the sun most days.

Stress comes in many forms. Familial, professional, emotional, physical are some of the sources of stress. If the effects of stress on the body aren’t heeded to in the beginning, they tend to manifest as bigger problems. De-stressing yourself at regular intervals helps your body rejuvenate and helps you function better at work and at home.

Full body massage with Shirodhara, followed by a relaxing herbal steam bath is a unique combination which works wonders on the stressed body and mind.

Duration: 90 minutes.

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