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The holistic science of Ayurveda recognises that every individual is different from the other. The basic constitution of a person known as his/her Prakrithi, is unique to the individual, just like his/her DNA. Knowing one’s Prakrithi helps us in planning our diet and lifestyle accordingly to benefit from a healthy long life.

Knowing your prakrithi, involves answering some questions while choosing the most relevant answers. Go ahead answer the questionnaire and let’s find out your Prakrithi!

Find your Body Type (Prakriti)

Take a pen and paper, and give one mark each for either for Vata or Pitta or Kapha. At the end, total the score to find out which dosha is more dominant in your body and that’s your body type.

Body FrameThin – usually short or tallmediumlarge, tall
Weightlow weight, doesn’t gain weightmedium weight stay sameheavy weight
Eyessmall, dark eyesMedium sized, light eyes easily inflamedlarge eyes with thick eyelashes soft, gentle gaze
Skindry, rough, cold cracks easilymoist, warm, pink prone to acnesoft, smooth, moist, cool
ComplexionDarkflushed sunburn easilypale
Hairrough ,dry, wairythin, oily, light colored, grey, bald prematurethick, wavy, oily
Eye browthin ,smallmediumthick, bushy
Nosesmall, thinmedium, symmetricalwide
Teethvary in size, crookedmediumlarge white
Jointsstiff, tend to crackloose, average sizelarge ,sturdy
Nailsthin, brittlesoft, pinkstrong  ,thick, white, smooth
Musclesthin, undevelopedaverage sizelarge well developed
Urinescant, colorlessprofuse, yellowmoderate, milky
Menstrualirregular, scantyregular, bright colourregular, pale colour
Stoolscanty, dry, hard, prone to gas & constipationabundant, loose & softmoderate dense with mucus
Dietarylikes to snack on dry, crunchy foodslike cold drinks & snacklike sweet and creamy
Digestionprone to gasgood, strong, fastslow, steady
Sweathardly sweatprofuse strong smellingmoderate
Circulationpoor cold hand &feetgood hot hand & feetmoderate temperature cool
Weatherlike sun&warmthcold weatherwarm & windy
Sensitivitycold, wind,  dryness noiseheat, sunlight, light & colourtouch, old & dampness
Physical EnduranceLowmoderatestrong
Dreamsprone to nightmarecolorful, vivid passionaterarely or uneventful
MovementsQuickmove with purpose &  motivationmoves slowly & steadily,  gracefully
Decisionchanges mind quickly, indecisive & nervousdecisive & determinechanges mind & opinions slowly
Thoughtscreative, visionary ideaslogical, critical, idealisticallythink slowly & methodical
Learning Abilityeasily learn & forget easily, poor memoryeasily with clear memorylearn slowly good long term memory
Mindprone to anxiety, fear nervousness&worryprone to irritability anger, aggression, jealousyprone to depression lethargy, attachment
Attitudelively, positive attitude when balancewarm outgoing & confidentpeaceful, happy & loving when in balance
Moneyspends on triflesearn but spends on luxurycan earn & save after motivation
Speechquick speech talkativeArgumentative, confrontational,  enjoys debatetalks slowly & deliberately
Travellove travelneed beautiful environmentDomestic, spends more time in the home
Sensitivitysensitive to soundsensitive to visual stimulatiunaffected
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