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Stress and Insomnia: Punarnava Chikitsa

 The body responds in certain ways to constant exposure to stress. These responses end up making the body age faster. Young adults feel tired, fatigued and constantly complain of aching muscles, because they are under constant stress, be it physical exhertion or mental  and emotional stress or the pressure to perform. 

Undergoing de-stressing therapies, relaxing and rejuvenating oneself and preparing ourselves for what lies ahead of us in the future should be the way forward. These therapies aren’t time consuming and can be done within the constraints of our daily schedule. Therapies Virechana, Shirodhara, Kayaseka, Basti, Nasya, Talam, etc help in calming the aggravated Vata dosha and bring in a sense of well being by helping the body adapt itself to stressful situations better. Take the step towards health today and book an appointment with our physicians.

Duration: 10-15 days of therapies, with medications for 30-45  days. 

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