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The concept of health used to be looked at differently by different sciences. Earlier it used to be merely an absence of disease or infirmity. Now, health is described as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.

Sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu malakriya  Prasannatmendriya manana swastha ithyabhideeyate

This has been the Ayurvedic view on the concept of health or swaasthya since ages. Ayurveda, has always looked upon a person as a whole: Body, Mind and soul. And Ayurveda has always laid emphasis on maintaining a balance between these three, in order to be disease free. Ayurveda, is all about knowing your body and its relationship with the mind and the environment around it. This knowledge makes one capable of being able to maintain the delicate balance, which is essential for a state of health.
The Panchamahabhutas that make up the human body, are also the building blocks of the universe that surrounds us. The energy that pulsates in the environment, resonates within us. Therefore, it is quite obvious that a stable environment is indispensable for man to maintain a state of equilibrium in his body. This is the reason why we are observing an increase in environment-related diseases in the present population, as the environment rapidly deteriorates around us.

So what is it that Ayurveda advises, that can provide us with a solution to the problems we face today? More importantly, how can something, that was told thousands of years ago, be applied to the present “Modern World” without it being obsolete. The answer to this is quite simple. The human body and its surrounding are still made up of the same Prithvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu, Aakasha- Panchamahabhutas. The Tridoshas are still the functional energies that perform the physiological functions of the human body. So, trying to understand these principles of Ayurveda, and absorbing it into our day to day life, can help us stay healthy.

Ages ago, Ayurveda was not just a science of medicine which was called upon in time of medical need. It was a way of life. Dinacharya, Rtucharya, Sadvrtta, are some of the guidelines mentioned that direct us as to how a healthy life can be led. It is not just about what is the right food to eat. It is also about our activities, our morales, our behaviours, which dictate our actions.

Humans are now more aware of the impact and the indispensable nature of the activities like yoga and pranayama, and simple acts like connecting with the nature around us. They are more aware of the effect these bring to their mental state and ultimately their physical health. Ayurveda can be the answer to the burning question on everybody’s mind: How can I stay disease free?

In the following posts, I will write more about the Ayurvedic perspective on the body, mind, and also simple ayurvedic principles that will help you understand your body better and help in keeping diseases at bay. If you are curious to know more about Ayurveda, please visit again!

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  1. Hi!
    Yes we are on twitter. Our twitter handle is @SiddhantaAyurv1 . Please do follow us for regular updates. For regular health tips follow us on instagram @siddhanta_ayurveda .

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