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Ayurveda has always been the treatment of choice in chronic conditions like Arthritis, Psoriasis, etc. Sciatica is also one such condition wherein effective treatment protocols are practiced, to provide complete relief to the patient.

Low back pain, is a prevalent complaint among adults especially more so in the people of 40-50 age group. Due to improper postures, while sitting, standing, for a prolonged duration and also the lack of exercise in a busy day to day schedule, low back pain is now becoming quite a common occurrence, in the early 30’s age group as well. Low back pain generally deteriorates and would worsen, if the condition is not resolved in the initial stages itself.

The hip and the low back are major weight-bearing joints. They are responsible for a range of movements of the body like bending forwards and backward, twisting, rotating, and walking. Therefore, it is necessary that the musculature of the lower back is strong and healthy. Lifestyle practices like being sedentary, improper posture while sitting for long hours, lifting heavy objects, can lead to the muscles becoming injured and inflamed leading to the initial symptoms of pain and stiffness in the lower back.

When the pain originates in the low back and is found to radiate down the leg (single or both legs) it is known as lumbar radiculopathy or sciatica. Pain in the legs is the most pressing complaint found in the patient. It may also be associated with other symptoms like heaviness, weakness, burning sensation, or numbness of the leg. 

Sciatica can be caused due to several factors like Intervertebral disc herniation, Bony spurs in the vertebral column, muscular spasm of the paraspinal muscles, presence of an infection, blood clot, or tumorous growth, or pressure on the low back like during pregnancy.

Individuals with obesity, individuals whose job involves prolonged sitting, standing, or lifting heavy objects, and older individuals are, at more risk, for Sciatica, due to the wear and tear of the spine. 

Sciatica is generally confirmed by your physician after a detailed history taking, followed by a physical examination for tests like the SLR test. Diagnostic tests like MRI, CT can also be done for confirmation of the diagnosis.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Sciatica or Grdhrasi, as it is known in Ayurvedic terminology, has a set of evidence-based effective treatment protocols in place for the treatment. Siravyadha and Basti Chikitsa is mentioned as the line of treatment for Grdhrasi. Along with these therapies, external therapies like Sthanika Abhyangam, Patrapotala Sweda, Upanaha Sweda, Kashayadara, Churna Pinda Sweda, Bashpa Sweda, etc, give symptomatic relief to the patient. 

Grdhrasi is a vataja disorder and the treatment protocol aims at pacifying the aggravated Vata. The therapies usually span over 8-21 days depending on the severity of the condition. Post the treatment, oral medications for a period of 6-8 weeks are prescribed. At the end of the treatment, the patient is also taught a set of 9 exercises that strengthen the paraspinal muscles and keep the spine flexible and strong.

Ayurvedic treatment aims at providing relief without the use of invasive procedures. After the completion of the therapies, by adopting a healthy lifestyle which includes a healthy diet, active lifestyle, and strict adherence to the exercises taught, the patient finds long-lasting relief from a chronic condition like Sciatica.

At Siddhanta Ayurveda, we have the best treatment for Sciatica that ensures you have a pain-free life ahead. Contact us to book an appointment

ayurvedic treatment for sciatica at siddhanta ayurveda bangalore

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