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This is a world of advanced technology, with information regarding anything at your disposal; just a few taps on your touchscreen and there you have it! You don’t need to go looking for a dictionary or an encyclopedia anymore. This is a fast paced world and people need the information ‘now’.

So when you type in the word ‘Ayurveda’ in google search, the first link that comes up is of the ever helpful Wikipedia!! It describes it as life-knowledge then goes on to describe it as a system of medicine native to the Indian subcontinent. It also explains that it is a “complimentary” and “Alternative” system of medicine. The other links will give you a run of the mill introduction to Ayurveda which does no justice to the science other than literally translate the word Ayurveda from Sanskrit to English.

As an Ayurvedic doctor, and as an Indian who has passed through the education system in India from kindergarten to post graduation, I feel entitled to ask a few questions. Why is it that though Ayurveda is our “Native” system of medicine we find no mention of it in our education system from schools to class 12th other than probably in our history texts? Is it because that’s the attitude of India and Indians in general towards Ayurveda? That it’s ‘History?’ Frankly, if they had taught me the basics about Ayurveda in school it would have really helped me (Other than ‘Sushrutha is the father of Surgery!!’). Not just to learn Ayurveda but also explain to my patients when they ask me what is Vata, Pitta, Kapha. I find it ironic sometimes that my patients know more about the human DNA and other stuff but have no clue about Tridoshas of our body and just roughly translate them to flatus, bile and phlegm! (Seriously?! C’mon!!!) Well, this was bound to happen when you consider your “Native” medicine as an “Alternative” medicine!With so much access to information available to the common man of India, why is it that so many of the Indians are, unaware of the wonderful science that is Ayurveda?! I agree, the fault lies with the Ayurvedic fraternity. As Ayurvedic doctors it is our duty to preserve and let thrive this beautiful science. Just as it is our duty as Indians to preserve and practice our native sciences and cultures and traditions.

We Ayurvedic doctors should do everything in our capacity to spread as much awareness as possible, about Ayurveda, through the internet and make it available to the masses. Atleast then the laymen who are interested to really learn can do so. And through this blog, I intend to do exactly that.It is refreshing though to see a steady increase in the interest towards Ayurvedic medicine modalities in the general public. The significance of using herbal medicines, and the general awareness regarding several herbs has amplified. It is now being realized that several concepts of health being propagated by WHO and other health organizations have already been taught in our classical scriptures. So are we waiting for the West to give due credit to Ayurveda or for once shall we lead the way?It’s been ten years since I first took my baby steps into this wonderful science and I am still learning. But even though it’s been ten years I have not been able to develop a ‘thick skinned’ attitude towards the indifference shown by most. It still hurts me when people scrunch up their nose and say ‘Oh Ayurveda!’ on being told that I am an Ayurvedic doctor.

Believe me, it’s not because I feel they think less of me. I am proud of who I am and people’s opinion doesn’t and will never affect me. It hurts me,though I know their reaction only speaks of their ignorance towards Ayurveda. So I asked myself what will I do about it. And then I decided I’ll write about Ayurveda. I’ll do my part. And let the universe do the rest.So people, in this blog, I’ll be making a humble attempt at propagating Ayurveda, and writing about herbs, therapies etc random things related to Ayurveda. I hope all those who read it find it useful. I also hope that it will attract other fellow Ayurvedic doctors to come here and have discussions regarding various things and maybe even encourage them to open blogs of their own!

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