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As we stepped into the year 2020, we were gripped by this ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. As time progresses, all of us are realizing the importance of building up our immunity. Because the best way to fight this virus is to never catch it all. People have now started looking towards Ayurveda for bringing a change into their lifestyle. Unfortunately not many Indians are aware of the basics of Ayurveda, a system of medicine that is indigenous to India and was a way of life several centuries ago.

The ayurvedic view on the human body is not quite the same as the view of only cells, tissues, bones and muscles, etc that we are used to and are taught in our school education. Ayurvedic view of the human body is holistic. It takes into consideration not only the physical body but also the mind while advising treatments.

Understanding your body, and doing what is conducive for its healthy existence is the first step towards warding off diseases. So how much do you really know about your body through the ayurvedic perspective?  Everybody knows that by eating a healthy diet and having an active lifestyle, one can stay healthy and can keep the diseases at bay. But Ayurveda cannot be reduced to just “Pathya” as many believe it to be. Let’s look into the ayurvedic view of the human body briefly.

The human body is made up of the panchamaha bhutas- the 5 elemental building blocks of all life forms in the universe. These form the macro dhatus- the support structures of muscles, bones, blood, marrow etc. The inner intrinsic functioning of the human body is controlled by the Tridoshas- Vata Pitta Kapha. Knowing about the Tridoshas would give you a better understanding of your body.

Vata: It’s quite commonly called the wind or the air factor, in reality, is not quite just that. Vata is the life force or energy of movement and communication within the body. Any and every movement in the body can be attributed to Vata; the movement of nutrients into the cells, the physical movement of the body, the movement of impulses from the nerve cells etc. It is responsible for our breathing, for our heartbeats, and all the important life functions. Only the characteristics of Vata resemble that of the air; it is light, dry, cold, quick, can enter the smallest of the places.

Pitta: It can be likened to a fire because its qualities resemble the fire as it is hot, sharp, light, oily, and spreading. It is responsible for all metabolic activities in the body. It is responsible for digestion, absorption, assimilation, temperature control, appetite, vitality, luster, and radiance. It’s not just bile as it’s commonly interpreted to be.

Kapha: Made from mainly the Prithvi and Jala Mahabhuta, it is the energy that keeps the body’s structure and gives it form. It is responsible for lubrication of joints, moistness of the skin, the moisture in the sclera, the secretions for the mouth, nasal discharge, etc. It provides the necessary strength and stability to the body. Kapha is not just Phlegm as it’s commonly known. Kapha possesses qualities like cold, heavy, unctuous, slow, smooth, soft, sweet, viscosity.

These three doshas together are responsible for the maintenance of, and, working of all physiological functions in the human body in total. They are responsible for the death of a cell and the formation of a new one. When these tridoshas are in equilibrium amongst themselves and with the dhatus and the Agni-the digestive fire; they represent health. This means any in-equilibrium among these leads to diseases. And all the efforts at treating a “disease” are focused on bringing back the lost equilibrium.

These three Tridoshas are in an intricate balance with Satwa Rajas Tamas, the three Manodoshas/Gunas. While treating diseases, we cannot overlook the significance of this inter-relation between the physical and mental aspects of an individual.

This is the way Ayurveda looks into the human body. This is just a small but important glimpse into the human body. In the following few posts, we will describe what causes these doshas to lose their equilibrium and what are the preventive measures you can take, to prevent this imbalance that leads to disease. In case you are interested to know your body type you could click here.

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